Pemba flying fox

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The Pemba flying fox has a charismatic fox or dog-like face which is covered with a coat of bright auburn fur. These bats represent the largest fruit bats in the world. Although they weigh just about 400 – 650g, their wings can span over 5.5 feet across. They live in large social colonies of up to 850 individuals. Their diet consists mainly of fruit such as figs, breadfruit, and mangos, as well as nectar, pollen, flowers, and leaves. They are an important species for seed dispersal because they carry fruit and plant seeds in their digestive system to other parts of the island. The conservation of this bat instills a sense of pride and progress in the local people who actively participate to preserve their local environment. The economic returns garnered through this small community tourism project have already proven to be a great help in strengthening their community.

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Pemba flying fox $ 0 $ 0 0 Anytime

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